Applying the science of information processing to problems in wellness.
Medical labels - your signs, symptoms, diseases, and diagnoses - lack context. By examining the unique constellation of patterns in body, we may be able to find a pattern that sheds light on our past, present, and future.
In my work, I combine methods from data science & informatics with theories from biomedicine and traditional medicine. Together, these frameworks provide a means of organizing complexity and distilling insights that can help us better understand how the parts are connected to the whole.
Our current work focuses on analyzing stores of knowledge recorded in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda. Take a look at some of the things we are thinking about.
Long Covid represents a loosely defined collection of symptoms that occur after an incident of symptomatic or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection, and clear diagnostic criteria are still being developed (as of April 2021). Patients report being dismissed or ignored by their healthcare providers, and definitive treatments remain elusive. We review the latest research to shed light on our evolving understanding of this new and prevalent syndrome.